Substititute Teacher/Aide
If you are interested in applying as a substitute teacher for Hoover City Schools, complete your application on ALSDE’s HireTrue website (please click here) and apply for the Substitute Teacher job posting. Substitute applications will be reviewed periodically based on need. If you are selected, you will be contacted by an HR representative and instructed to complete a Hoover City Schools Substitute Employment Packet. The following are minimal requirements:
The process to obtain a proper license typically takes two to four weeks and the initial cost to become a substitute teacher is approximately $75.00 (these costs are for the Alabama Substitute license and the background clearance). At any time if you wish to check the status of your substitute license, go to the ALSDE Public Portal site(Please click to view).
Current Substitute Teacher Pay rates:
$120/Day for a classroom teacher
$100/Day for an Aide
If you have any questions regarding substitute teaching with HCS, please call 205-439-1000 and ask for the HR representative who manages substitute teachers.
Substitute Nurses
Applicants interested in applying for a substitute nurse position should email the HCS District Nurse Julie Kent at 205-439-1000. Minimal requirements include the following:
Current Nurse Sub Pay Rate:
LPN $120 a day
RN $200 a day
AM/ PM bus run $60 per run
Transporation Substitutes
If you are interested in becoming a substitute bus driver or bus aide, please contact the HCS Transportation Department at 205-439-1120.
Substitute Bus Driver Pay Rate: $90 per day
Substitute Bus Aides: $60 per day