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Hoover City Schools

Learning for Life

HCS Curriculum Access Complaint Process

HCS Curriculum Access Complaint Process

The state of Alabama outlines the following process to address any existing concerns relating to curriculum access and instructional materials used in Hoover City Schools.

Request to Review Classroom Curriculum and/or Materials
Parents or guardians of Hoover City Schools students may request to review any curriculum or instructional material for a class in which their student is enrolled. The goal of this review is to address and resolve any existing concerns or questions regarding the curriculum or instructional material at the classroom and school level. 


This review can be provided electronically or can be required to take place in-person by the teacher. Within 10 days of the request to review, the teacher should either 1) provide electronic access to the material or, 2) schedule an in-person review to take place within 20 days of the original request. The in-person review must take place during school instructional hours. As a part of the examination, the teacher will provide a detailed summary / rationale of the state instructional standard the teacher is addressing using the instructional material.


In a spirit of community and collaboration, HCS will make every reasonable effort to most effectively resolve and address any questions or concerns relating to curriculum and instruction. 

Issuing a Complaint with the District Superintendent

If the teacher does not comply as described above, the parents or guardians may issue a complaint with the district superintendent.


Issuing a Complaint with the State Superintendent

If the complaint remains unresolved after 10 school days, the complaint can be escalated to the State Superintendent of Education utilizing the state’s curriculum and instruction complaint process.

Annual Reporting Requirements
The number of complaints in Hoover City Schools will be reported annually (by September 1) to ALSDE. Any complaint filed by a parent or guardian remains an educational record of their student.