Background Clearance
If you are offered a position at Hoover City Schools, you must complete a background clearance check through ALSDE/Fieldprint, Inc. This background check must be completed before a person can begin employment and the cost is approximately $45.
Each applicant will need a device with internet access and a valid email account to complete the registration process successfully. Be sure to follow the required sequence below so the background clearance process can be completed:
ALSDE has provided step-by-step directions on the background clearance process on their website, which can be accessed here:
ALSDE Background Clearance and Fingerprint Review
If you are a certified teacher, your background clearance has already been completed through the certification process and there is no need to complete this process again.
In accordance with Hoover City Schools Board of Education policy, no hiring decision is official, final, or effective unless and until it is approved by a vote of the school board (reference BOE policy 5.2.3)
New Hire Paperwork / Employee Badges
After your background clearance is verified and your start date has been arranged with your supervisor or administrator, you will receive a welcome email from Hoover City Schools. This email will have a digital link to our digital onboarding system which is called Powerschool Records. Powerschool Records will provide you with a series of tasks to complete, such as federal and state tax forms, direct deposit directions, Everify, work verification directions, and other relevant new hire forms. You will receive notices about the proper identification needed for employment and the E-verify process.
All full-time employees will receive an employee badge. Please contact the HCS Central Office at 205-439-1000 to arrange an appointment to receive an employee badge. You will not be eligible to receive an employee badge until after all of your new hire documents have been submitted
The new hire orientation presentation can be found by clicking the following link: New Hire Orientation Presentation
Insurance and Benefits
Insurance and benefit elections should be completed within 30 days of your official start date. Contact the HCS Payroll and Benefits Department at 205-439-1000 for additional information.
For additional questions, please contact a representative from the Human Resources or Payroll & Benefits Departments at 205-439-1000.